Case Studies

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Publication Prowess

CMA maximizes traditional print and digital publications, along with strategic advertising sales, to enhance association objectives


Increase member benefits. Establish credibility. Recruit new members. These are just a few of the tasks associations face.

And there’s so much more.

Associations must also provide networking opportunities for collaboration and mentorship and advocate for members’ interests to policymakers and regulators. Additionally, they must promote skill enhancement resources, showcase thought leadership and foster a sense of community among members to facilitate collaboration, knowledge exchange and professional growth.

That’s an extensive list for any organization’s communication effort to undertake.

One way to check each box is to disseminate best practices and new research findings to keep members updated on industry trends and innovations.

And one of the best ways to do that is by starting or enhancing your official publication.


With over three decades of expertise, CMA has been an indispensable publishing partner for dozens of organizations.

CMA is proficient in both traditional and digital publishing realms and adept in advertising sales.

Whether their association clients seek support in launching and distributing a magazine or craving cutting-edge digital solutions to captivate their audience, CMA provides a tailored suite of services to meet their unique needs. Examples include:

  • Advertising Sales Mastery: CMA empowers our association clients to enhance their revenue streams by implementing effective advertising strategies within their publications. Our experienced ad sales team adopts a client-centered approach, cultivating long-lasting advertising partnerships in a supportive, pressure-free environment.
  • Pioneering Design & Captivating Content: From vibrant print layouts to dynamic digital formats, our award-winning design team collaborates with our association clients to craft captivating visuals that convey their desired message to their readers. Additionally, CMA excels in developing complementary and inclusive content, ensuring associations garner attention and their brand stands out.
  • Digital Presence Elevation: CMA assists our association clients in constructing an alluring online platform for news, events and timely updates. Our expertise is crafting visually striking e-newsletters and user-friendly publication websites to enhance any association’s digital footprint.


Association clients like Federally Employed Women (FEW), IMARK Group, International Card Manufacturers Association, New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) and International Function Point Users Group {IFPUG) have fortified their brands, enhanced member engagement and propelled their missions and goals by partnering with CMA’s publications team.

Here’s a sampling of how they reaped the benefits:

  • Enhanced Communication: IMARK Electrical Now and IMARK Today act as a direct conduit between IMARK Group and its members, delivering timely updates, news and customized content tailored to the interests and needs of the electrical and plumbing industries. The print and digital editions and their corresponding magazine websites, all developed by CMA, are considered the premier publications within their respective industries. The publications are currently read in print and online by 10,000 IMARK Group members annually.
  • Community Engagement: CMA refreshed FEW’s News & Views digital publication to help the association cultivate a sense of community and belonging among its members, provide a platform for sharing insights, experiences and expertise and foster interaction and collaboration within the association.
  • Increased Visibility: Card Manufacturing magazine, which CMA has published for 34 years, has elevated the International Card Manufacturers Association’s visibility and credibility within the global card industry, showcasing its achievements, initiatives and contributions, thereby attracting attention from strategic partners and potential members from around the globe.
  • Educational Resource: CMA redesigned the International Function Group’s MetricViews to serve as an educational resource, offering valuable insights, analysis and perspectives on relevant topics, trends and developments in the software sizing field. MetricViews keeps members informed and updated on industry best practices, research findings and professional development opportunities.
  • Membership Retention and Recruitment: Compelling association publications such as those highlighted above and an e-newsletter for NJSNA contribute to member retention by offering added value and benefits to existing members. They also serve as powerful tools for attracting new members drawn to the association’s expertise, resources and community network showcased in the publication. For instance, since IMARK Plumbing started its magazine, membership has grown from 400 members who generated $2 billion in annual sales to 3,500 members with more than $7 billion in annual sales.
  • Revenue Generation: CMA’s advertising sales mastery has assisted IMARK Group’s IMARK Electrical Now and IMARK Today publications generate revenue through advertising for nearly 15 years. Strategic partnerships with the advertisers help offset production costs and generate additional income for IMARK Group. When CMA rebranded IMARK Group’s The Plumbing Advocate as IMARK Today, annual ad sales grew from $84,000 to $170,000.
  • Industry Awards: CMA has received dozens accolades for its publication efforts. Most recently, it earned top honors from the NJ Ad Club in the magazine design category. The winning design featured a striking, streamlined layout that enhanced the content, providing readers with valuable insights on management strategies, logistical tactics, productivity and margins. The publication’s standout double-truck spreads for articles such as “10 Ways to Thrive During an Economic Downturn” and “Look Both Ways Before Hiring” contributed to a seamless reading experience, and use of full-page vertical and horizontal images elevated the magazine’s visual appeal.



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